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Hex numbered

Thomas Olde Heuvelt


Publication year

Suntup Editions




Author signature



Chris Berens


Josh Malerman

List Price

Fair Market Value



Recorded Sales


Hex numbered
Hex numbered

Description from Suntup Website

The signed limited edition of HEX by Thomas Olde Heuvelt is presented in three states: Artist, Numbered and Lettered. The editions measure 6” x 9” and feature six full color illustrations by Chris Berens, as well as a new exclusive introduction by Josh Malerman. The Numbered and Lettered editions are signed by Thomas Olde Heuvelt, Chris Berens and Josh Malerman, and the Artist edition is signed by Chris Berens.

The Numbered edition of 250 copies is a handmade lapped component case binding constructed from Japanese cloth on the spine and a unique Cyanotype printed cloth on the cover. Cyanotype printing is an analogue photographic method, dating back to the 1800s. Each piece of cloth has been hand painted in several layers to produce a deep print. Peacock feathers are laid on top and the cloth is exposed to strong light, turning the painted cloth blue where the light meets it, and keeping the cloth under the feathers white. Due to the hand painted nature of the prints there may be slight variations, as each hand printed sheet is unique. The Cyanotype cloth is created by bookbinder Gillian Stewart in Glasgow’s East End.

The spine features titling in handsewn stitching and endsheets are Hahnemühle Bugra. The edition is signed by Thomas Olde Heuvelt, Josh Malerman and Chris Berens; and is printed offset on premium archival Cougar paper. It is housed in a cigar-style enclosure covered in an embossed material. Each copy of this edition is sewn and bound by hand by bookbinder Anne Covell in Southern California.

Pre-release photography from Suntup Website by Yegor Malinovskii @ artofcollectiblebooks

See other editions: Artist edition - Lettered edition

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